Beattie Network- Quintessential Creative Media
Social Media and Artificial Intelligence has cheapened the cause of a Free Press and is threatening the existence of professional journalism. The Beattie Network is the antedote to Artificial Intelligence and Social Media. As we build the infrastructure in our communities, we start to train a new breed of authentic journalists; creative directors; songwriters; producers, authors; filmmakers and presenters. The idea is to take the information super highway and curate the information that really matters, and build new bridges next to the rusting beams of the internet.
We are The Beattie Network- Quintessential Creative Studios. Sign up for our newsletter and catalog- Email:
Beattie Network- Quintessential Creative Media
Mountain Time Radio- Richard Arnold Beattie-Watergate Files
Geoff Shepherd was the legal counsel to President Richard Nixon, during the Watergate Hearings in 1973 and 1974. His story of the behind the press scene has rarely been told. For an obscene time in history, journalists became the story of journalists, whose ends justified the means. This week on Mountain Time with Richard Arnold Beattie.